Kids are easily inspired by nature. From buzzing bees making honey to lakes and rivers sheltering fish to vegetable gardens feeding families, the natural world is ripe with educational opportunities. Our Youth Education Department offers classes and special events that serve families with children of various ages, including preschoolers and elementary school students.
Call us at (925) 323-3214 or email us at to learn more.
Education Manager: Linsay Del Rosa
Natural Science Classroom
The Natural Science Classroom (NSC) offers organized environmental science classes both in the classroom and at The Gardens. Highly-interactive with a custom NGSS aligned curriculum designed by The Gardens’ education team. Our programs feature key study areas such as geology, plant anatomy, composting, and wildlife habitats and can be held virtually, in the classroom at individual schools, or at The Gardens as part of a field trip.
Contra Costa Water District Field Trips
In partnership with Contra Costa Water District (CCWD), we offer programs for elementary grades three through five which focus on the process by which water flows through our local environment, from snow pack to kitchen sink. Programs are offered off-site at two county water treatment plants (in Concord and Oakley) and at the Interpretive Center at Los Vaqueros Watershed (Brentwood).
MVSD Wetlands Education Programs
In partnership with Mountain View Sanitary District, The Gardens at Heather Farm will be scheduling all field trip and classroom programs.
In partnership with Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority, we offer 1 free composting program for classes in grades TK-8. The RecycleSmart program focuses on bringing composting and recycling to schools in their service area. A limited amount of classes are available so book soon! Your school must be in the CCCSWA service area to qualify.
Science Explorers Homeschool Programs
Science Explorers Homeschool Programs at The Gardens at Heather Farm is a monthly, teacher-led class to enrich and engage your homeschool children. With different themes and curriculum every month, two of The Gardens’ teaching staff will lead hands-on, multidisciplinary activities for a variety of grade-levels. Our Education Team is passionate about nature and the environment. We look forward to providing engaging and meaningful learning experiences for the local homeschool community.
Supporters of Our Youth Programs
Dean and Margaret Lesher Foundation
Joseph and Vera Long Foundation
The Goggio Family Foundation
Corporations / Utilities / Government / Civic Organizations
Marathon Martinez Renewable Fuels
Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC
F & M Bank
Central Contra Costa Solid Waste District/Recycle Smart
Contra Costa Water District
East Bay Municipal Utility District
Mt. View Sanitary District
Walnut Creek Garden Club
Lafayette Garden Club
Orinda Garden Club
Walnut Creek Civic Pride Foundation
Contact the
Education Team
Call (925) 323-3214
Email us at
“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”